10 Unstoppable Tips to Start Your Business Without Money

You have spent long days (and nights) thinking about the perfect idea for your future business. The one that will make you rich and famous. Or that will simply bring you the money and flexibility to engage in your other activities. In any case, it is now time to move on to the realization of your project. Again, you have energy to resell and ideas full head. Only a shadow on the board: you only have a very limited budget to get you started.

Now, as you know, money is the nerve of war. Fortunately, it is possible to win his first entrepreneurial battles with small means. For this, you will have to think outside the box and above all, apply a rigorous method. The following 10 tips respond to this goal. They have proven themselves in every successful business, from Silicon Valley start-ups to trendy coffee downstairs. In your turn apply them!10 tips to start your business without money

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 Equip yourself with an effective website

In 2016, it is unthinkable to start a business without having a website. Whether it is an online store, a portfolio or a simple showcase, your presence on the Web must be assured. This is how your customers will find you - and find you. Thanks to Wix, the creation of a website has never been simpler and intuitive, while remaining very accessible (or even free). To get started, you simply draw the template that suits you. Rest assured: with several hundred in reserve, there really is for all needs. Then you just have to personalize it (logos, texts, photos, etc.) without any technical knowledge.Note: You have partners in your adventure? No problem. With Wix Administrators, you can share access to your account with one click so that they can also work on the site.

Go to the conquest of the Web

In parallel to the realization of your site, you will have to invest social networks. Facebook and Twitter are, of course, indispensable. But there are a whole range of other platforms that you would be very happy to discover, depending on your business. For example, if you are a cook, designer or make-up artist, it is best to post photos of your creations on Instagram. For more information on the subject, see our short guide to networks and their possibilities.Once your accounts are created, you can feed them with quality content. This is what we call content marketing, or the art of talking about your business without appearing (contrary to classic advertising), thanks to texts, videos or images that captivate Internet users. These contents can be exploited on all your media, from your Facebook profile to your in site through a blog. Not to mention the newsletter, one of the most effective tools to establish a regular link with your (future) customers.

Optimize your offer

There is no question of embarking on a large-scale Coca-Cola program. Because you have just started, you have only scarce resources to devote to your marketing. Nevertheless, it is still possible, with a little work and trick, to make talk about your company. Example? Plan introductory promotions on your products or services, or even give gifts to your first customers. As you will soon see, generosity ends up paying!

Consider also developing your offers in the form of "3 for the price of 2", "a product bought, the second offered", and so on. This trick also applies to services. Rather than offer a rate-per-hour service, you can design "packages" (Premium, VIP or any other tangible name) that combine several of your services. The benefits are many. First, you simplify the life of your customers. Then you guarantee a minimum income. Finally, this will avoid giving too many choices to your prospects, which is counterproductive (as explained by consumer psychology).

 Simplify your cash and bills

Invoicing and payment management can take you a long time, even panic if you hate figures. But they are also unavoidable activities, which bring the precious euros in your bag. We wanted to give entrepreneurs a boost by launching Wix Invoices, a simple and very clever tool. It allows you, in a few clicks, to create and send professional invoices. Naturally, you can personalize them by adding your company's logo and the legal notices of your country. Once done, you can track the status of your bills in real time, raise late payers and archive the (digital) paperwork in a well-ranked file.

Communicate intelligently with your customers

As your beloved grandmother said, you can not be in the oven and the mill. At the beginning of your entrepreneurial adventure, you will have a thousand and one things to manage. Under these conditions, difficult to establish a regular communication with your customers. Yet this is precisely the time when they will most want to ask you to talk.Fortunately, Wix thought of everything. And especially to automatic messages, which send without you having nothing to do when a visitor carries out a chosen action on your site. Whether it's an e-mail of thanks to new subscribers or a notification after purchase, the Wix Smart Actions will take care of it for you. The effect is doubly beneficial: your customers will feel that there is a special connection between them and you (whereas you are not even behind your computer - o joys of technology!); in addition, you will give the impression of having an army of collaborators at your service day and night.

Facilitate bookings and payments

Given the work you have to shoot down, a personal assistant would not be too much. He would make the appointments of your clients and make sure that the payments are made. What if your site could take care of all this? Lucky, we have looked at the issue and have just released Wix Bookings, an innovative booking application. Your customers block a niche and pay directly on your site - sports classes, manicure or lawyer appointments: anything is possible. So, you can drop the phone and you are finally free to devote yourself to what you do best: your business.

 Focus on your area of expertise

Why make complicated when you can make it simple? You have, like everyone else, an area of specialization. Rather than sailing in unfamiliar waters, embark on the activity you already have. The benefits are many. You already have the skills, which saves you a lot of time. In addition, you will have more pleasure in the work, which will have a positive impact on your efficiency. Finally, the more your concept is linked to your know-how, the less you will use consultants and outside providers.Nevertheless, it is quite possible that it is beneficial for you to delegate certain technical tasks. A numerical example? No problem. Let's say that you charge your benefits 20 € per hour. If you have a computer failure and you try to fix the problem yourself, it will take you two hours, which you will not be able to spend on your customers. That is 40 € lost. If you use a service provider, who takes care of the problem for only 15 €, you can work in parallel and earn 25 €. CQFD!

Reduce the canopy

The government says it all day long: it's time to save. If you want to thrive in the long run, you are going to have to cut right now in fees. Obviously, no question of not paying your electricity bill or the Internet. But you certainly do, without even realizing it, unnecessary expenses. Are these business cards with 3D effect and fleece texture really necessary? The classic model is half price and will be equally effective. Similarly, is a trendy iPhone useful, or can you settle for a standard smartphone? You will be surprised to discover the fees that you can save on each tool.The same applies to your service providers. Do not hesitate to negotiate your contracts with aplomb. You certainly have room for maneuver with each of your suppliers. Do not be shy but be careful not to go too far - it would be a shame to break your relationship. We have just prepared a short guide explaining how to effectively conduct a negotiation. To be read imperatively. And that's not negotiable!

Work from home or a shared space

When you start, renting an office is an option that is difficult to envisage because it is too expensive. A great way to save money is to work from home. Start by arranging a defined space, well separated from the "personal" area of your apartment or house. You will remain immune to temptations and show your family that beyond this limit, you do not want to be disturbed. For the rest, you can read this small article that explains you how to create your home business.If the company is missing and you need to feel the electrical atmosphere of a real office, turn to the co-working spaces. They bloom everywhere in France and elsewhere. There is certainly one near you. For a reasonable fee, you can rent a small office and have the necessary services to work efficiently, such as Wi-fi, printer and ... the coffee machine! It is also a great way to meet other entrepreneurs and exchange tips and best practices with them. In other words: the benefits of office life without the disadvantages.

 Get out

You have now understood that in the digital age, it is necessary to have a website and a presence on the social networks to make themselves known. But this does not mean that the good old methods have become obsolete.

Do not hesitate to actively participate in events and conferences related to your industry. Thus, you can build a strong network by exchanging with professionals of the same trade or complementary activities. Are you a professional makeup artist? Work with a hairdresser, to whom you will send your clients - and vice versa. The logic remains the same for all trades: unity is strength!

Ready to start your business on the Web? Start by creating a superb free website!